Tuesday, August 30, 2005

Hurricane Katrina

I've evacuated the city because of Hurricane Katrina, and as of today (Aug. 30) it looks like it may be a while before I'll be going home. Please keep me in your prayers!

Friday, August 26, 2005

CNN talks about Doulas

We're in the news!! Even CNN has picked up on the benefits of doulas.

Read an article from August 23, 2005 about how doulas are Mothering the mother during birth.

Monday, August 22, 2005

Heidi L. Rau, Doula Extraordinaire!

Don't miss out!

Have you registered yet for my October class: Labor, Birth & Beyond?

In addition to a pregnancy overview and newborn care tips, you'll learn what normal labor and birth look like; what movements and positions to use to keep labor going; and how to use comfort measures to relieve discomfort and stay relaxed through the whole event.

You will also learn what you might encounter when giving birth in a hospital setting, such as common interventions and what your options are. There is so much more, but I can't cover it all here. You'll have to come to the class!!

Here are the details:
October 8 and 15, 10 am - 5 pm
5708 Airline Drive, Metairie
ONLY $100 per couple

Space is limited, so sign-up today! Registration closes September 17, 2005.

Is your house a wreck?

We all struggle with keeping our lives organized. How much more when a new baby is on the way (or has already arrived)? There are new additions of clothing, furniture, care products, and more. Not to mention the fatigue that often comes with late pregnancy and always comes with caring for a newborn.

There is hope! A doula friend of mine told me about the FlyLady. No, this isn't a comic book character. The FlyLady teaches quick and easy ways to get your home and your life clean and organized. Check it out at www.flylady.net and start seeing changes even today.

Saturday, August 20, 2005

Move it, baby!

As a doula, one of the most frustrating things is when a woman's labor moves agonizingly slow, despite movement and good upright positions. It's been a mystery to me until now. I think I've found the answer.

In my reading lately, I have been learning about "optimal fetal positioning" or basically, getting baby into the best starting position for labor. There is a great site where you can learn about this online at www.SpinningBabies.com/BellyMapping.html. Gail Tully goes into great detail on how to determine where your baby is positioned, then how to position yourself so that baby will move (or stay) in the best spot.

Ladies, this is so important! If you can start labor with baby in the right position, his/her head will help the cervix to dilate at a good pace, and you won't have to wait while baby turns itself around during labor. (Or worse, face what can happen if it stays in the wrong spot - backache throughout labor, LONG labor, exhaustion, and sometimes a C-section!)

Spend the time reading and acting now (while you're comfy) and you'll spend less time in labor!!

Wednesday, August 17, 2005

Birth In New Orleans

Giving birth soon? Get prepared. Get support. Get what you deserve.

Every woman deserves a doula. "What's a doula?" you ask. Doula is the Greek word for slave. Specifically, a woman who serves another woman. And in contemporary terms, a woman who is trained to support a woman during labor and birth. Doulas provide emotional, physical and information support to laboring women and their families that will help to make labor and birth a more satisfying, empowering experience.

I'm a doula. You deserve me! Hire me today!

If you don't know your choices, then you have none. Learn what your choices are for labor and birth. Childbirth preparation classes that present "freedom of choice based on knowledge of alternatives" are sure to cover your options and prepare you to make intelligent decisions. My classes are conveniently condensed to fit in two Saturday sessions and are centrally located in Metairie.

My classes are accessible and invaluable! You need them! Register today!